Law Of Attraction
Headline 1: Understanding The Law of Attraction
Headline 2: Law of Attraction: An Introduction
Headline 3: The Basics of Law of Attraction
One of the keys to harnessing the power and creativity to live a better life is in understanding the law of attraction.
It is no secret that the universe is made of energy. Scientifically, energy is either negative or positive. The law of attraction basics utilizes these simple facts to explain why and how everything happens to us. We are all just universal matter comprised of atoms that react off of each other. As basic masses of energy, we emit frequencies and send out positive and negative energy into the universe. The energy we send out is what is returned to us. The recent interest in a basic universal theory, or belief, called the law of attraction applies these facts to our actions and thoughts.
The Basics of the Law of Attraction is Not a New Concept
The belief that we can control what we attract into our lives based on the kind of frequency or energy we emit is not a new way of thinking at all. In fact, there have been references to the workings of the law of attraction for thousands of years. The Bible even refers to reaping what you sow and the golden rule of do unto others as wish done onto to you. The entire idea of karma and general belief of what comes around goes around all borrow from the core principles of the law of attraction. Buddha taught "All that we are is the result of what we have thought."
The belief that what we see or imagine can be created as reality was even taught by Albert Einstein. He said, "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." For a basic idea to have been retained and re-taught over the course of four thousand years and to still inspire people to improve their lives, it must hold an aura of validity.
Law of Attraction Basics
The law of attraction is more than just the idea of sitting back and waiting for what you have sown. You use it in a proactive way to immediately and substantially affect the course of your life. When you release, through visualization or basic action, positive energy, feelings, emotions, or actions, you will get that back in return. You will attract what you put out into the universe.
Similar frequencies and emotions attract and opposites will repel each other. For instance, if approach a new group with a positive frequency, it will be felt and received by other positive people. If you project negativity, the positive members will reject or repel from you. This will only attract other negative minded people. The universe, which runs on energy, responds to the thoughts and actions you send out.
You can use the law of attraction to attract anything from positive feelings, good health, money, success, peace, love or anything else you wish to bring into your life.
Everything you wish to attain or bring into your life can be yours by being open to it. You have to project a feeling of success to be open to success. To attract happiness, you have to project happiness. You have to send it out into the world in an authentic way also. Trying to shortcut the law of attraction basics will not work. You have to truly believe and feel what you send out will come back to you.
You also have to live what you send out and want in return. A classic example pertains to love. Trying to attract love will not work if you believe you are not worthy of love, you are unlovable, or you are incapable of feeling love. If you live as if you deserve to be loved and send love out, love will undoubtedly come back to you.
Visualization as One of the Law of Attraction Basics
Visualization has been a well known way of utilizing the law of attraction to bring about positive and real change. Psychologists have long taught visualization as a way to bring peace or comfort to those experiencing anxiety. Athletes use visualization to bring victory into their grasp. They see it and believe it; therefore they attract the success they picture as reality.
Your thoughts and the motivation behind them will bring you all you really want if you use the law of attraction basics to send out and receive the positive change you are searching for.
If you are looking for more information on ways to maximize positive change and live a more successful and fulfilling life, check out Amazing Self:
This article is brought to you courtesy of Amazing Self, a personal development system that offers powerful personal breakthroughs in attracting and living your life success.
Amazing Self isn't one person's opinion of what truly signifies greatness. In fact, it goes far beyond any self-improvement system you have ever seen before. Amazing Self has formed a team of renaissance people who are committed to your personal success, and harnessed their thoughts and minds for the recipe to life-changing excellence in each of the 4 main areas of personal development: health/weight loss, making money, relationships, and mindset.
Start your Amazing Self journey today:
Personal Goal Setting
Headline 1: 8 Tips to Ensure Life Success
Headline 2: 8 Personal Goal Setting Tips for Success
Headline 3: Setting Personal Goals: 8 Life-Changing Tips
Personal goal setting is one of the best things you can do if you truly desire to be successful in life. Sadly, only a small percentage of people actually make goals for themselves regularly. But those are the most successful people you will meet!
Following are eight tips to help you use personal goal setting to achieve those things that are truly important to you.
1. Put your goals in writing - this will solidify them and make them very real. It also is the first step, and taking action is a key factor in reaching your goals. Writing them down also makes them more real. Unwritten goals with no game plan are really nothing more than wishes. And wishes don't get you very far - but written goals will!
2. Prioritize them - When it comes to personal goal setting, it is essential that you prioritize your goals. Decide which ones are the most crucial for you to achieve. Those are the ones on which you want to devote the most energy. Those that end up at the bottom of your list may not be truly important to you, and they can be addressed at a later date in time if needed.
3. Write your goals down as positive statements. For example, rather than "lose 20 pounds" or "stop overeating", you might write "reach the healthy weight of ____ pounds" or "eat only until I'm satisfied".
4. Make your goals very clear and specific. With personal goal setting, if your goals are vague, you won't likely succeed because you're not really aiming at anything specific. An "iffy" goal is like throwing darts blind-folded (which I don't recommend!). You might, by chance, hit the dart board but it is highly unlikely. Vague goals would be things such as "lose weight" or "make more money".
Make them more specific; for example "make $10,000 per month". That way you can measure process and you will know exactly when you have reached your goal. (After all, "make more money" could mean that you're earning $5 more per month - which probably isn't what you are striving for - right?)
5. Create specific timelines for reaching each of your goals. Not having a clear time frame in mind is very similar to having vague goals - you may never reach it because you take forever getting there. Creating a timeline gives you a sense of urgency, and will help spur motivation. Urgency and motivation are two important factors in personal goal setting.
6. Make sure your goals (and timelines) are realistic. For example, if you weight 250 pounds and your goal is to reach 150 pounds, you probably want to give yourself more than a month or two to reach your goal! Unrealistic goals and timelines are a quick path to failure when it comes to personal goal setting. A note of caution here: there's a delicate balance between being realistic and keeping your dreams alive. No one believed the 4 minute mile barrier could be broken - until Roger Bannister showed everyone that it could. And soon after his victory several people began running the mile in less than 4 minutes - most likely because now they believed it was possible.
So, go ahead and dream big - dreams are what make us feel alive and can fuel us with the motivation to achieve what may have seemed impossible (or what others tell us is impossible).
7. Break big goals down into multiple smaller, more doable goals. It's easy to become overwhelmed by a really big goal. It may seem absolutely impossible - until your break it down into small steps. This is very important when it comes to personal goal setting!
For instance, if you're just starting college and your goal is to become a surgeon, you may quickly become discouraged at the very long road ahead. However, if you break it down into sub goals (and then sub goals for those sub goals), the task won't seem so daunting and you will be more likely to succeed.
8. Reward yourself when you achieve a goal (or sub goal). It is important that you acknowledge and reward your successes along the way, as success breeds more success. Treat yourself to something nice. It doesn't have to be something big or expensive. But it is important that you celebrate each success along the way. You will be more likely to remain motivated and it will make the process a lot more fun!
If you are looking for more information on ways to achieve personal goals and live a more successful and fulfilling life, check out Amazing Self:
This article is brought to you courtesy of Amazing Self, a personal development system that offers powerful personal breakthroughs in creating and living your dream life.
Amazing Self isn't one person's opinion of what truly signifies greatness. In fact, it goes far beyond any self-improvement system you have ever seen before. Amazing Self has formed a team of renaissance people who are committed to your personal success, and harnessed their thoughts and minds for the recipe to life-changing excellence in each of the 4 main areas of personal development: health/weight loss, making money, relationships, and mindset.
Start your Amazing Self journey today:
Exercise and Energy Boosters
Headline 1: 8 Fantastic Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels
Headline 2: 8 Energy Boosting Tips
Headline 3: 8 Exercise and Energy Boosters
We all know how important it is to get plenty of exercise, both for health and for weight loss. Unfortunately, many of us don't get as much exercise as we know we should. Maybe you are just too busy to work a regular exercise program into your day but too often the reason for skipping an exercise workout is that you just don't have enough energy to motivate you. Some of us feel as though we have no energy from the time we get up in the morning while others seem to experience a mid-day slump. If all you need to get you up and moving is a boost to your energy level, then here are eight fantastic ways to turn up the momentum.
1. Eat more often.
Instead of having three regular meals each day, break your food consumption down to six smaller meals. Your loss of energy may be due to drops in blood sugar in between meals. Eating more often will stabilize your glucose levels and give your energy levels a boost.
2. Take up meditation or yoga or any other method of relaxation.
Stress and depression can be at the root of a lagging energy drive. Take a few minutes to meditate before a big meeting or do thirty minutes of yoga every evening in order to wind down. Getting rid of anxiety can keep stressful situations from zapping your energy.
3. Make some necessary lifestyle changes.
Drinking alcohol and using tobacco are both habits that will deplete your body of nutrients and drain your energy. Alcohol can also cause dehydration which is one of the worst energy drainers of all and it can prevent you from getting the deep sleep you need to wake up feeling energetic.
4. Get a thyroid test.
If you are frequently feeling tired even after a restful night's sleep, you may have hypothyroidism. A simple blood test can determine this for sure. Women are more likely to have underactive thyroid problems than men, especially those who have just given birth or are nearing menopause.
5. Add more whole grains to your diet in place of sugar.
This is another way to balance your glucose levels instead of having energy highs and lows as your sugar goes up and then drops as insulin is released in response. Skip the fruit pastries for breakfast and choose a whole grain muffin instead. Choose whole wheat for your sandwiches instead of white bread or buns and you will also add more fiber to your diet which most of us don't get enough of.
6. Take a walk or take a nap.
Sometimes the activity of taking a midday walk is all it takes to wake up your body and actually increase your energy. For some people, a power nap in the middle of a day is the best way to feel refreshed and improve their energy level. Whichever one works best for you, take anywhere from ten to thirty minutes to make a significant difference for you.
7. Eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.
Different types of produce contain different vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function and to produce energy. Choose different colors of vegetables to get a little of everything.
8. Allow more time for sleep.
Many people believe that they are just fine with six hours of sleep but they really need to sleep another hour or longer to get the amount of rest they need to function at their maximum potential. Just because you are in the habit of sleeping from 11pm to 5am doesn't mean that is all the rest your body needs.
There are many natural, healthy ways to increase your energy including those listed here. Try these instead of turning to high caffeinated beverages and energy drinks to give you a boost that will only let you down in the end!
If you are looking for more information on ways to increase energy and live a more successful and fulfilling life, check out Amazing Self:
This article is brought to you courtesy of Amazing Self, a personal development system that offers powerful personal breakthroughs in creating and living your dream life.
Amazing Self isn't one person's opinion of what truly signifies greatness. In fact, it goes far beyond any self-improvement system you have ever seen before. Amazing Self has formed a team of renaissance people who are committed to your personal success, and harnessed their thoughts and minds for the recipe to life-changing excellence in each of the 4 main areas of personal development: health/weight loss, making money, relationships, and mindset.
Start your Amazing Self journey today: